The Kapil Sharma Show OTT release on Netflix has been announced. Despite the date not being released, people have shown much love and interest in it. When people recall this show, they also remember the iconic Dr. Mashoor Gulati, played by Sunil Grover. 

Sunil Grover recently made it to the headlines again because of this commendable performance in the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan (2023). The year 2023 also saw him getting back to the Kapil Sharma Show and patching up with Kapil Sharma. The Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma friendship news came after they released a video teaser of TKSS on Netflix together. 

Sunil-Kapil Patch Up

In a recent interview, Sunil Grover was questioned whether the relationship between him and Kapil Sharma is good, to which he answered, “I think so.”

When asked more about TKSS on Netflix, he said that there would be more updates about the same soon. “We will soon announce more details on the show and talk about it,” he said. 

In 2017, there was a fight between Sunil Grover and Chandan Prabhakar when they were coming home from Melbourne. On the same flight was reportedly a drunk Kapil Sharma, who threw not just a few slaps but also a shoe at Grover. Sunil did not react to this nasty behavior instantly but soon left the comedy team. 

Of course, many questions were asked of Sunil Grover. When asked how he dealt with these and how he felt, he said, “Initially, I would get disturbed, but not anymore. I know the truth so what someone says or understands, is their problem, not mine. Those who point fingers, what is their credibility? If I need to answer something, I will do so, but usually, there is no need for an explanation. They don’t have a full understanding of the matter, no facts, they are just saying something because it’s their job. Writing negative things grabs more attention. They will all understand eventually.”

After years, now that they have gotten back together, the audience is excited to see them working together and making everyone in the country laugh till their stomach hurts. While the many questions about The Kapil Sharma Show remain unanswered, this patch-up is a sigh of relief for many of us! 
To get the latest update about the show and TKSS Netflix release, stay tuned!

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