Plot of the series
Maharani, a popular OTT series, is based on real-time events. This drama series is set against the political environment in Bihar in the 1990s. The CM, Lalu Yadav, made his wife Rabri Devi enter politics and involve herself in the manipulative political drama, when he marked her as his successor. Rani Bharti is the character of Rabri Devi, and Bheema Bharti is the character of Lalu Yadav. As it revolves around this situation, Maharani series loops in the melodramatic and real-time portrayal of many elements like the Ranvir Sena, left-wing militants, Naxalite groups, and the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation. The real-life saga portrayed is a roller coaster ride for the lead character and quite a spectacle with all the other characters involved.
The first and second seasons have hit the charts. They earned a 7.9 rating on IMDB. So, fans eagerly await the release date of Maharani season 3.
The Buildup To Maharani Season 3 On OTT
The first season embarks when Bheema Bharti (Sohum Shah) is shot in the political drama and puts her wife Rani Bharti (Huma Qureshi) in the game, making her his successor. Further to this, the simple woman finds the corruption, caste massacres, and manipulative practices twisted. She struggles to deal with them. But she gets clever with time.
The second season becomes much more dynamic as Bheema Bharti runs a proxy government from inside the prison. CM Rani Bharti faces strong opposition and is accused of misgovernance. Because of this, Bihar faces a situation of chaos, anti-incumbency, and corruption, named Jungle Raj.
At this time, Bheema Bharti is set free and out of prison. He engages in an extramarital relationship with Kirti Singh. At this point, Rani Bharti does not cooperate with Bheema’s intentions in retaliation and decides to make a new party. Meanwhile, CM Rani is forced into taking drastic moves. She learns the ways and succeeds in dealing with the adverse scenario. Further, in a turn of events, Bheema meets death, and the opposition successfully frames Rani and accuses her of Bheema’s murder; she lands up in jail.
Maharani season 3 on SonyLiv
The second season left the story in a very intriguing situation. Thus, the excitement for the third season is unbridled. The trailers are out for the much-awaited, critically acclaimed. It also depicts how the dramatic and bold acts of Rani Bharti rock the screen as she struggles to get out of jail to reclaim her position in politics and rule the stage. With elections awaiting the scene, the Maharani season 3 release date will reveal whether Rani Bharti can make things work in her favour.
To Stream On: 7th March, 2024
Starcast: Huma Qureshi, Amit Sial, Vineet Kumar, Pramod Pathak, Kani Kusruti, Anuja Sathe, Sushil Pandey, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, and Sohum Shah
Creator: Subhash Kapoor
Director: Saurabh Bhave
Writers: Subhash Kapoor and Nandan Singh
Where to watch: Sony Liv
Audiences wait for their favorite OTT series. Therefore, The Maharani season 3 release date is much awaited. Maharani season 3 will leave you fully entertained, so if you haven’t watched the previous seasons, watch them now.