This time, after the success of ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ for which Kapil Sharma was the lead comedian and actor. He is back with a new comedy show. He will be working with the entertainment platform Netflix on this new project. Kapil Sharma has “a place to hang out and have loads of fun” for his upcoming comedy show. In place of the channel known as ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, the show will now be streamed on Netflix.
When and Where to Watch the Great Indian Kapil Show
The new comedy series, The Great Indian Kapil Show, was produced by Netflix. It will be the first in a long line of shows to feature both superstars Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover. Sharma is co-starred by a cast that will bring enough hilarious entertainment.
Name of the Show | The Great Indian Kapil Show |
OTT Platform | Netflix |
OTT Release Date | 30th March 2024 |
Cast | Kapil Sharma, Archana Puran Singh |
Language | Hindi |
Netflix’s Vice President Comments On The New Show
Monika Shergill, the Netflix Indian Vice President, said, “Kapil Sharma is a famous comedian who has been a comic for many years.” He has shaped Indian television history. We’re an Oscar Award-winning creative crew that will be on the show for Netflix subscribers all over India shortly.” Last but not least, Kapil will continue to deliver laughter therapy to millions more people around the world through this new address- Netflix.
Trailer Plot of the Great Indian Kapil Show
At the very beginning of the promo, Kapil Sharma rules out this idea, saying that he has no desire to have any antiques in his new apartment. Later, he laughs while finding actress Archana Puran Singh quaking there with a refrain: “Who invited her here?”
At the end of the introductory speech, he scolds his assistant for inviting members of the “Kapil Sharma Show” team. Including Rajiv Thakur, Kiku Sharda, and Krushna Abhishek. The secretary proposes to take them out, but Kapil says, “We have updated our house, but not the family.” And at the end, he will make sure there are enough laughs in his new show.
Cast of the Great Indian Kapil Show
- Kapil Sharma
- Krushna Abhishek
- Kiku Sharda
- Rajeev Thakur
- Archana Puran Singh
Fill your heart up with laughter with ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show‘ starting March 30, exclusively on Netflix.