The Internet today is the best teacher you can find to gain knowledge from the sea of information. Google and YouTube provide information through text, images, and videos. Let us sneak a peek at the best YouTube videos for informative content.

Edutopia: K-12 based YouTube Videos 

Filmmaker George Lucas stepped up in online education in 2007 with Lucas Education Research. Lucas, as an effective way to promote K-12 education, formed the base of Edutopia. This YouTube channel brings vast information to K-12 educators; running as a nonprofit, it conducts thorough research and works to solicit groundbreaking original content. Millions benefit from this collaboration of education and technology that impacts modern information scenarios.

  • Started in: 2007
  • Number of Subscribers: 227K subscribers
  • Number of Videos: 897

Veritasium: Science-Based YouTube Videos 

Science brings us the wonders of life. Everything in existence is based on this charismatic subject. Yet only some are true experts in this field. Veritasium is a YouTube channel that brings us interesting videos on science. They work on covering everything from how the sewing machine works to how difficult it is to make blue LEDs and why. Because they cover small and big topics descriptively, they stand out as an informative YouTube channel. The channel started working in online education in 2011 and has made many videos.

  • Started on: 2011
  • Number of Subscribers: 14.9 million 
  • Number of Videos: 388

TED-Ed: Motivating YouTube Videos 

The TED-Ed project is an informative initiative that broadcasts short videos in handy lessons for educators and students. They bring into broadcast topics from many subjects like Maths, science, and English. In addition, they even talk on topics like tips to boost confidence, feel-good factors, etc. With original content that is true to high quality, they are amongst the top broadcasters of educational and informative content. The platform also lets teachers and YouTubers take up inspirational TED Talks, paving the way for many new aspirants.

  • Started in: 2012
  • Subscribers: 19.6 million
  • Number of Videos: 2.1 k

National Geographic: Nature-Based YouTube Videos 

National Geographic has been a popular name in information on Television, and now they are out with YouTube videos. This source is a veteran educational publication turned YouTube informative videos, thus bringing to vast audiences the wonders of the globe and educating people on geography. With many offers about science and animals, they shoot live and spectacular real-time videos in Nature, delighting the viewers and adding value. 

  • Started on: 2006
  • Subscribers: 22.7 million
  • Number of Videos: 10,366 videos

There are many more in this exciting league of education YouTube content, and the subjects vary from science, art, and culture to entertainment and travel. Search your target information, and you will be there in no time. 

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